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Currently: September Edition

I’m so excited it’s What’s New With You day. I like to do currently’s every now and then and like reading them to see what people are up to right now. It’s weird to call this September. That’s the month my baby is due. Whattt?

Reading: As You Wish by Cary Elwes. I’m more surprised I never picked this up before. I love The Princess Bride. I’m enjoying it so far. Reading the stories behind the movie and the actors’ perspectives is fun.

Watching: Nothing on TV or Netflix show-wise, but Greg and I went to see The Secret Life of Pets and it was sooo funny. I really did not expect it to be so hilarious. I highly recommend it if you haven’t seen it, yet.

Also, this was one of the first new movies I’ve been to see since Greg left. I’m way behind on movies! ย Regal even sent me an email months ago telling me they missed me. That was sad but also funny. Now that he’s back, we’ve been to see a couple, the other being Suicide Squad, which I was ‘eh’ on. It wasn’t bad, but not one of my favorite comic book movies.

Admitting: That I asked Greg whether cats had faces the other day. Or do they just have heads? Apparently, it’s obvious that they have faces. I’m an idiot but will admit to my dumb questions.

Eating: Oreo Rice Krispie treats, as previously discussed. Still amaaazzzing.

Trying: These Real Techniques beauty sponges after my Beauty Blender ripped apart. They’re a lot cheaper, so I hope they work as well (or better – my last Beauty Blender was kind of poo). Thanks for the recommendation, Nadine.

Feeling: Excited about this before and after transformation of the babyville in our living room. So much better. Boxes piling up stresses me out, but it looks semi-organized now!

Apparently, I became some sort of baby stuff pack rat while Greg was gone. To be fair, I needed his help picking out a dresser and installing car seats to get stuff out of the way. Good news, he’s awesome, and together we have cleared a path!

Wearing: Still wearing shorts ’cause that fall weather has not kicked in yet. I have maternity leggings I have yet to wear.

I’m linking up with Kristen and Gretch today for What’s New With You. Check it out if you get a chance – I love it!

What's New With You

11 thoughts on “Currently: September Edition

  1. That book sounds really interesting. My mom is a big P.B. fan so I might have to get that for her! Secret Life of Pets was HILARIOUS! I loved Cleo ๐Ÿ™‚
    All the baby stuff looks great! I'm glad Greg is around to help you nest now!!


  2. I love seeing what other people are up too as well! It surprises me that it's already September as well, but I bet that it's even crazier for you since your baby is due! Secret Life of Pets was so cute! I think that a few theaters allowed you to bring your pets with you to watch it, and I wish that I could have brought my pup to see it!


  3. The Secret Life of Pets is so on my list to see! I might wait til it comes out and just buy it because I am sure that baby girl will want it eventually. Is that the Target striped dress at the movies?? Because if so I am wearing it RIGHT NOW! I really hope you like the RT blender as much as I do! For the price, you cant beat it. Or at least I dont think you can. I need to get some maternity leggings for the fall since I will probably be wearing them exclusively soon! I am thinking about getting them from Motherhood. Is that where you got yours? Do you like them? Look at all that baby stuff! We have a pile going in our guest room but it is no where near yours. Maybe after our shower it will be!


  4. Is that your movie theater?! So fancy!! I would go to the movies all the time if ours looked like that! LOL at the cats having faces question. We got chickens a few months ago and my mom asked me a question about their ears. I thought she was trying to trick me. I had to google “Do chickens have ears?” Turns out, they do!


  5. you're having a baby this month!?!!!!!!!!!
    i LOVED as you wish. love love love loved it. i just finished it last week i think. i listened to it instead of reading it though which was so amazing.i have a real techniques sponge and i like it, though to be honest i prefer using my fingers no matter what which i know they say not to do!


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