
Clean ALL The Things

I have been waiting to get some things off my chest, so let’s get into some Humpday Confessions…

I like most of my coworkers, but some of them drive me crazy. I work evening shift, so I have to wait for the day shift to leave before I can take over our desk, and they left late today. I was already feeling inexplicably angry because my hormones do what they want, but then when I get to my desk, there are pen marks all over it. I want to ask this guy, “You are a full grown adult, how the hell do you write all over the desk every day????” I always have wet wipes at work so I can wipe their mess down.

I am not that much of a neat freak at home, but at work, I keep it as clean as possible. I hate when other people leave a mess behind, or leave everything disorganized. I like my work shit to be organized!! It would be nice if they could please not leave behind a trail of destruction…

Speaking of hormones, we watched Les Miserables over the weekend, and during the movie I was fine, but after it ended and Greg left the room..

So after bawling for 10 seconds, I was fine again. Thank you, body.

Les Miserables was good, but not my favorite kind of movie. There was a LOT of singing. I know, it’s a musical, and I like some musicals. But I really can’t run around my house singing Les Miserables songs without sounding a little ominous. Not like that time we watched Footloose. Yep, you can bet my husband had to deal with a lot of singing after that one.

I suck at saving money this month. After some unexpected expenses, I am in need of saving! But I am also in need of checking Forever 21’s new arrival page daily.

Linking up today with Kathy for Humpday Confessions!
Also be sure to link up with Liz from Fitness Blondie for The Hump Day Blog Hop.

14 thoughts on “Clean ALL The Things

  1. Omg, that sucks that you have to share your workspace with someone. I have a whole giant cubicle to myself that I fill up with useless crap but when I'm out sick or on vacation and I come back and find that someone moved something, all hell breaks loose! Lol. And I'm a huge fan of musicals though I haven't watched Les Miserables, but I can imagine how haunting it must sound to be singing those songs in the shower. Haha. Is it weird that I sing songs from Sweeny Todd around the house sometimes?

    P.S. Damn Forever21 and their sales! You know what else though? JustFab just announced their buy one get one free sale the other day. I'm dying right now trying NOT to add 10 things to my cart…at least 5 of them will be free, right?


  2. UGH! I would HATE to have to clean up after a coworker. That is SO annoying. I am definitely nowhere near a neat freak at home, but I want things organized at work, too!


  3. Hey Jess!!! OOMGGG I swear I know how you feel!! At my old job I would work M-F and these 2 sisters had the weekend shift.. Well every Monday I would come back to an effin mess! Candy… Homework( they were in college) and everything I had already in place, moved!!! I hated it! And that GIF was me every single Monday! I would bathe that desk in Lysol just like that!! And I literally just bought a ton of stuff from F21! I returned a bunch of stuff from Baublebar and bought some jewels from F21! Now i'm signed up.. YOLO!! HAHAHA!! Great post girly!!!



  4. I'm right in there with you on the money saving bit – I really need to cut back my spending but with all the cute summer clothes/shoes/purses/outdoor drinking it's really not happening. I also agree with you in the Les Mis thing – it's great and all but it's a debbie downer movie. I'd rather sing along to Pitch Perfect or Frozen all day long!


  5. Yuck I hate sharing spaces with people, it drives me nuts, thing is I have a husband, 4 little people, and a fur baby so I dont really have my own space…

    I couldnt watch Les Miserables; I tried and had to cut it off after the first like 15 minutes…


  6. Girl, I feel ya! I'm on a no buy this month, I am wondering why the HECK I did it to myself?! But because I did, and I talked about it on my blog I must succeed haha, I really want to go buy stuff though!


  7. I just ordered a $60 planner….sooooo there's that damn you Erin Condren…. In my defense I used a $10 coupon? Oh and a clean work area is a MUST. I go crazy if there's clutter and stuff everywhere!


  8. i did not know that f21 had a new arrival page. this could be dangerous. also footloose is my FAVE and i'm not a huge musical lover. i love the song so so much and always dance like a nutter when it comes on. even in the airport or something. no shame. and wtf is that second gif?! haha is that a cat? Styrofoam or marshmallows?? lol


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