confessions · fashion

Robot Dinosaurs and Peplum Tops

Here we go, it’s time to confess some things I’ve pretended not to do but definitely, for sure did:

SLEEP: My weekend did not get a post this week, because all I did was work and fall asleep at 8:30 PM on a Saturday night. Three hours of sleep and I’m out, daylight or no daylight. I was falling asleep watching Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (don’t worry, we finished it later and it was adorable), and Greg told me it was bedtime and dragged my butt to bed.

SHOPPING: As soon as I saw that J Crew Factory was having an extra 40% off clearance sale, it was like I blacked out and woke up with an order confirmation in my inbox. But I found this lovely peplum top, plus about seven other things.

FOOD: I usually eat heart-healthy Honey Nut Cheerios or Trader Joe’s organic cereal when I come home at night, but for the past week, I’ve been eating Lucky Charms, and have enjoyed every minute of it.

BUNNY WATCHING: I was sitting in my car outside work the other night, and an adorable bunny rabbit sat right outside my door. I tried to take a picture, and of course it ran away. Bunny picture taking fail. We met but once, bunny, but I will not forget you, may we meet again.

MOVIES: There are a ton of movies coming out or already out that I want to see this summer, and I even want to see Transformers: Age of Extinction. I am not a fan of any of the previous movies, but for some reason I have hope in this one. I think Marky Mark can make anything better.

I’m linking up with Kathy today for Humpday Confessions! Be sure to join in, I love reading everyone else’s confessions.

Vodka and Soda

15 thoughts on “Robot Dinosaurs and Peplum Tops

  1. I see bunnies ALL the time. I have a greyhound, so I always worry about rabbits magically getting in our yard and Phil deciding the fate of the bunny. He already killed a baby bunny earlier in the spring that he found burrowed in my Granny's yard. I was torn between horror and “good dog!” since that's what he's trained to do.


  2. That gif with the bulldog is hilarious! I've had a couple nights like that lately. Rabbits are so cute! We have quite a few out where my horse is and I want to pet one so bad ha ha.


  3. that first gif is so cute! i'm glad i dont get j crew factory emails, i am banned from shopping right now. haha! that peplum top is super cute though, you best post an outfit photo when you get it! i always squeal like a child when i see a bunny, you don't see them at all where i used to live, and they are everywhere in KY (slight exaggeration). I think I saw the other transformers, and I was like hell no, no more. But then I saw Mark, and I was sold.


  4. Aww, we don't have rabbits in the wild here, probably because of all the snakes and cats that attack them, so if I saw one outside of my car I'd probably think I was Alice in Wonderland or something. Lol.


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