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Friday Favorites: Snooki & a Vampire

Happy Friday! I can’t complain about this week. The weather has been pretty nice, and I have the windows open right now. This summer seems much shorter than the last, maybe because the heat didn’t seem as crazy *knock on wood*. We still have some summer left, so I’m trying to enjoy that. I can’t decide if I am missing fall yet.

Favorite Treat:
When I realized I was quickly circling to almost a full year since my last haircut and color, I decided it was time. It was probably more like 8 months since the last one, but when you are slowly turning into Chewbacca, it feels like much longer.

She lightened up my color with some highlights and gave me a quick trim. Some days you just gotta wrap your head in aluminum foil and stick it inside a helmet blow dryer. I want to go to the blonde side! Next time, possibly blonder.

Favorite TV Show:
I started watching True Blood from the beginning again, since I can’t remember where I left off, and I AM IN IT. I’m not saying it’s a great show. But I am in it now. Most of the time I don’t know what the hell just happened.

And then, with every werewolf-witch-fairy plot twist, I feel the same way.

But in the end, I don’t care because I love it, in all of its cheesiness and sexy bits and things that crack me up.

Favorite Video:
You guys might have seen this already, but watch it if not! Chris Pratt is awesome. And if you haven’t seen Guardians of the Galaxy yet, you should go see it. Greg and I are still laughing about it a couple weeks later. It’s probably my favorite movie this year, but I loooove almost all Marvel movies (Captain America wasn’t my favorite, but love the rest).

Favorite Funnies:

True fact.

My plans for this weekend.

Have a great weekend!!

11 thoughts on “Friday Favorites: Snooki & a Vampire

  1. OMG Eric losing his memory is my favourite part of the book and tv show. Its such a ridiculous show but I can't stop. I rewatched it all before the new series started but I'm behind on the new season I might need to start all over again!
    hahahaha the front facing camera, so true.
    pretty hair! blonde is bad, stay away from ze blonde!


  2. I never really got into True Blood, but hey…I'm looking for a new show to Netflix binge on so who knows? Haha. And omg I LOVED Guardians of the Galaxy!! And I've totally had that same front-face camera reaction way too many times lol.


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