liebster award

Liebster Award

Kirsten at Life in Kirsten’s Boots surprised me by nominating me for a Liebster Award. I thought, “Sweet!!!! What is a Liebster Award??”

As I found out, the Liebster Award is a sort of blog chain given to bloggers with under 200 followers to spread the word about new blogs. The nominee answers 11 questions and gives 11 random facts about themselves, and nominates bloggers of their choice to continue the cycle.

I’m going to skip the facts, because you and I both know we probably have limited attention spans.

1. Why did you decide to start blogging?

I started taking pictures of myself in the mirror, and it turns out that’s a little weird if you don’t have a blog.

2. If you could only drink one thing for the rest of your life, excluding water, what would you choose?

Pibb Xtra or Dr. Pepper. I would probably develop some horrible health condition, such as my stomach falling out, but it would be delicious right before.

3. The same question as above, but choose a food.

Bread. I really freaking love bread. All types of bread – pretzels, sourdough rolls, bagels, toast, GIVE ALL THE BREADS TO ME.

4. What’s a weird habit that you have?

Whatever I’m eating, I save the best part for last. So, I save the middle of both cookies and sandwiches for the last bite, ’cause the middle is delicious.

5. What is the best book you’ve ever read and why?

OBVIOUSLY, HARRY FREAKING JAMES MAXIMUS SIRIUS GRINDELWALD POTTER. I read a lot growing up, and still do (sort of. okay, I am slow now. but DAMN george r. r. martin writes long books <3), but Harry Potter will always be the most memorable, and I can't wait to reread it and reread it!

6. What does your closet look like at this moment?

We have one ‘store everything’ closet, a dresser for him, and an Ikea wardrobe for my stuff. I need to clear out the stuff I don’t wear anymore, so I can go shopping for summer pieces.

7. What is a flower you think describes yourself and why?

Sunflower, because it’s furry in the middle and yellow on the outside. And I think they’re cool. All the other flowers are delicately waving in the wind, and the sunflower is there blasting AC/DC and saying, “F*** you, I’m a sunflower.”

8. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

I like my name, and wouldn’t want to change it, but maybe Pocahontas. Just for a little bit, ’cause it would get annoying after a while.

9. If you believe that you should have received a letter to Hogwarts, what house would you have been sorted into?

Hufflepuff. Hufflepuff’s need love, too. Plus, badgers are no joke. They will cut a bitch. They will cut a bitch right in the face.

10. Celebrity crush?

Jennifer Lawrence. The more I hear about her, the more I love her. And the guy who played Four in Divergent. Rid-ic-u-loussss. I didn’t think I would like him, but I love that stone face.

11. What is the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?

Where to start? There was that period of dreams right after I watched Jurassic Park when I was a kid. There was a T-rex in the damn trailer!! A T-rex can’t fit in a trailer?? Doesn’t matter in your dreams. YOU HAD ONE JOB, PHIL.
My questions for you:
1. If you were a dinosaur, which would you be?
2. Would you rather be able to fly or breathe underwater?
3. You have to defend yourself from a zombie horde with the closest item to you. What is your weapon?
4. What is your favorite TV show right now?
5. What is the last movie you saw?
6. You have to choose one wild animal as a pet. What do you pick?
7. Do you believe it’s true that if you hang your feet off the bed at night, the foot-eating monster will come and take them?
8. Are you a fan of naps?
9. What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon as a kid?
10. Are you a light or heavy sleeper?
11. When cars that can drive themselves are finally available, will you be getting one?

10 thoughts on “Liebster Award

  1. this is like my fave post ever. if i had a magical power it would be to remove parts of my memory that remembered books so i could re-read them and discover it all over again. lame? no shame. HP FTW. and I love the guy that played Four in Divergent, but just his face, and body. No personality needed, k thanks.


  2. Reading Harry Potter for the first time? One of the best feelings ever! I actually don't have a set right now, I have been wanting to reread them badly. I need to save up for a nice hardcover set!! True, Four's personality's not really needed, everything else is enough, but I'll take it anyway.


  3. Hahahah – totally dying over your #7. #6- I just spent literally 2 days going through all of my closets… ended up with 7 full bags to take to Good Will. Pretty sad I had that much stuff I wasn't wearing!

    Thanks so much for the nomination, jess!!! 🙂


  4. Jennifer Lawrence all the way! That girl can do no wrong, she's beyond cool. Ditto with Harry Potter, I have been re-reading them for years, and it never gets old.
    Thank you so much for the nomination! That's super-sweet of you. I will have to think about some of these, like the dinosaur question – never considered that before!


  5. I have summer shopping fever. ALL THE FLORALS! We have a growing pile of random goodwill clothes we need to drop off, but I really need to do a full clean out.


  6. I will basically agree to any place which offers us free bread before our meal. And yes, waiter, we will ask for another basket when you give us three pieces for two people! Do you want to start a war?


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